Progress Made on December 2012 Goals
On 29 September 2012, I posted a set of goals. Here’s where they’re at one month later: Completed Release one novel as PenName2: 1/1 released ( SecondhandSweetheart – Madeleine Torr ). Progressed Release five novels as C.M. Simpson: 1/5 released ( Fisherpriest ) Re-release 2 novellas under PenName3: Novella7A: editing complete, now only awaiting new cover art; Static Release five anthologies : 4/5 released. The status remains the same with the final one still requiring the completion of four short stories. Re-release 2 novellas under PenName3: Novella6A: complete, but still awaiting rewrite and new cover art; Re-release one novella under PenName1: Novella8A: complete, awaiting rewrite and cover art;. Release one new novella under PenName1: Still deciding on which one to complete. Additional Tasks Completed Re-edited, re-formatted and re-uploaded the four anthologies and all 26 individual titles ; Undertaken the terribleminds blog flash fiction ...