
Showing posts from November 6, 2011

Finding my Feet Part 3—November Progress Report 1

Baby steps. Everyone keeps reminding me it’s baby steps. So far I am progressing slowly as I work to change my living habits. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. So, this week, I achieved the following: Writing Me: 1.       Adventure1: added 1,200 words to Scene 2; 2.       YA Novel1: Outline needs more work, but is slowly coming together. I am working characters with outline as they seem to be informing each other. Today I realised that this is my second YA novel idea that has no supernatural or paranormal elements. When it’s done, I’ll start on the older idea. 3.       Short Story1: reading over setting commenced. 4.       Three blog entries this week. 5.       Week 1 Self-Publishing Options workshop complete 6.       Reading continued. Real-World Me 1.       Have spent more time with...

Finding my Feet Part 2—Goals for November

So, last month didn’t go so well, but I’ve learned my lesson. This time, I’ve remembered to incorporate pretty much every area I need to cover. Writing Me: 1.       Adventure1: complete Scene 2 and stat the 4 new monsters for it; 2.       YA Novel1: This is no longer a fantasy novel, but a contemporary YA mystery set in a small town or the suburb of a larger town. Complete the outline (week 1), character development (week 2), and 2,000 words. 3.       Short Story1: re-familiarise with setting, complete outline, and get to 2,000 words. 4.       Project1: Chapter 1 is complete—edit. Chapter 2 is divided into sections. Complete Character Classes, edit the already completed work, start on Races. Should add around 5,000 words. 5.       Project2: Complete Chapter 1: Adding Project 2 to Your Campaign; and Chapter2: Project 2 Class. Start Chapter 3: Proje...