Finding my Feet Part 2—Goals for November

So, last month didn’t go so well, but I’ve learned my lesson. This time, I’ve remembered to incorporate pretty much every area I need to cover.

Writing Me:

1.      Adventure1: complete Scene 2 and stat the 4 new monsters for it;
2.      YA Novel1: This is no longer a fantasy novel, but a contemporary YA mystery set in a small town or the suburb of a larger town. Complete the outline (week 1), character development (week 2), and 2,000 words.
3.      Short Story1: re-familiarise with setting, complete outline, and get to 2,000 words.
4.      Project1: Chapter 1 is complete—edit. Chapter 2 is divided into sections. Complete Character Classes, edit the already completed work, start on Races. Should add around 5,000 words.
5.      Project2: Complete Chapter 1: Adding Project 2 to Your Campaign; and Chapter2: Project 2 Class. Start Chapter 3: Project 2 Equipment. Should add around 5,000 words.
6.      1 blog entry a week.
1.      Complete Weeks 1-4 of Bob Mayer and Jen Talty’s Self-Publishing Options workshop.

Writing Head #2:

1.      Add 10,000 words to Novella1—commitment already blogged so this writing head has precedence.
2.      1 blog entry a week.

Writing Head #3:

1.      Complete Novella1A by adding approximately 5,000 words—edit.
2.      1 blog entry a week.

Real-World Me

1.      Family: more quality time with family;
2.      Language1: increase study time to ½ hr/day (REAL time, not time averaged out from larger blocks of study time);
3.      Language2: increase study time to ½ hr/day (REAL time, as for Language1);
4.      Complete the next 4 subjects for Computing;
5.      Exercise: ½ hr/day to improve writer fitness.
6.      Household: catch up on and keep on top of the household chores
So, I’m not that busy. Yup, I can see that. Not busy at all, so very not busy. Now let’s see how this pans out. November is going to be busy so I just can’t attend NaNo this year. Maybe next year when I’ve finished Computing and my little one is bigger. I’ll post another goal assessment at the end of the month. In the meantime, I’ll give a weekly progress report. Week 1’s report is due tomorrow.


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