LAST WEEK, Tiger told Simone about Redstone hacking Odyssey's systems, FedExplore's suspicious activity, and his fear for her sisters in the Fed Explore complex. This week, Simone tells him that the Haskell situation has been solved, but that she can 'talk' to her sisters over a long distance... and that the aliens have a name. And Tiger needs to evacuate Sharvin, because they're coming. Chapter 7 (Excerpt) – Haskell, Hunters & A Warning Hey, Tiger, Good to hear from you—and bad, too, but that’s only because of the news. Not your fault, I know. At least, I can start this letter with something good, even if it proves that Delight reads our email: We’ve solved the Haskell dilemma. Delight took what I said about protecting ‘her’ Haskell to heart. She decided she’d do the dominant female thing, and claim Haskell as her own. I have to admit, she took me by surprise. ----------------------------------------------------------...