Free Fiction

This page contains links that will take you to the free fiction found on this blog. Free fiction comes from the following sources of inspiration:

Flash Fiction Challenges

Every week Chuck Wendig posts a flash fiction writing challenge on his terribleminds blog. I have been using these as a means of honing my craft and expanding my writing since the beginning of September 2012.

Specific Days and Occasions

Days such as Remembrance Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, or even a family occasion sometimes inspire fiction.

Just 'Cos

There are times I don't need an excuse to post something free. They don't happen often, but they do happen.

On to the Free Stuff:

The following links will take you to each blog entry containing free fiction or to an entry on another blog that inspired the fiction. Title links to entries marked Flash Fiction Challenge will take you to the place that posted the original challenge. Links to this blog will be found in the 'Result' section.

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Apocalypse Bride (Roll for your Life)

Description: In 1,000 words or less write a short story using the two words you randomly rolled as the title.
Completed: 7 October 2013
Posted: 8 October 2013
Due: 11 October 2013
Result: The Apocalypse Bride, about a starship and an apocalypse.

Descripton: In 1,000 words or less write a short story centered on a randomly rolled conflict (see terribleminds blog for list) might be.
Completed: 15 September 2013
Posted: 17 September 2013
Due: 20 September 2013
Thought Process: See in the result.
Result: No Secret Safe, about strange ring-like objects and choices.

Flash Fiction Challenge: A Choice of Colour (Choose Your Setting)

Descripton: In 1,000 words or less write a short story about what these (see terribleminds blog for link) might be.
Completed: 10 September 2013
Posted: 11 September 2013
Due: 13 September 2013
Thought Process: See in the result.
Result: A Choice of Colour, about strange ring-like objects and choices.
Descripton: In 1,000 words or less write a short story about a randomly rolled setting from the list provided here.
Completed: 30 August 2013
Posted: 2 September 2013
Due: 6 September 2013
Thought Process: See in the result.
Result: Hasken’s Choice, about a man in an elven prison.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Ten words will give you five

Description: In 1,000 words or less write a short story including five words from the list of ten provided here.
Posted:  22 March 2013
Due: 29 March 2013
Thought Process: See in the result.
Result: Letters from Beyond available now.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Choose your Random Sentence

Description: In 1,000 words or less write a short story including the random sentence generated here.
Posted: 8 March 2013
Due: 15 March 2013
Thought Process: See in the result.
Result: Should the Mum Divert the Drill? available on the 15 March 2013.

Flash Fiction Challenge: 100-Word Stories

Description: Write a 100-word story on whatever topic in whatever genre.
Posted: 16 November 2012
Due: 19 November 2012
Thought Process: very little. I decided to pick a theme from one of my upcoming anthologies and write on that.
Result: A Partnership: and there is a dragon.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Sub-Genre Mash-Up with a Twist

Description: Write a story, incorporating the theme 'Love demands sacrifice' and two sub-genres randomly determined from those listed. The sub-genres I rolled are 'Wuxia'... and urban fantasy. Well, I know what ONE of those is. This'll be an adventure.
Posted: 9 November 2012
Due: 16 November 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and a brief assessment of the result.
Result:  Flash Fiction Challenge Fail: This week, I didn't complete the challenge. For excuses and a look at where I got to, take a look here.

Free Flash: Lest We Forget - 11 November

Description: Inspired from, and posted on, Remembrance Day.
Thought Process: I wanted to write something that made people think of the sacrifices soldiers make while serving their countries.
Result:  Lest we Forget: to be found at the terribleminds challenge entry, somewhere near the entry.

Flash Fiction Challenge:The Body

Description: Write a story, in under 1,000 words, about hiding a body.
Posted: 2 November 2012
Due: 9 November 2012
Not Complete: I did not even attempt this challenge; it was an overly busy week. You can see the other entries for this challenge here.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Game of Aspects (Halloweenie Edition)

Description: Write a story, incorporating four ingredients from each sub-section, in under 1,000 words.
Posted: 26 October 2012
Due:  31 October 2012
Not Complete:  I missed the deadline for this challenge. You can see the other entries for this challenge here.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Five Ingredients Make a Story

Description: Write a story, incorporating five of the ten ingredients provided, in under 1,000 words.
Posted: 19 October 2012
Due: 26 October 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and a brief assessment of the result. This week it's included at the top of the challenge response (see below).
Result:  Aunt Imelda's Legacy: Who would want a rabbit as an inheritance? And why did Aunt Imelda let the bunny choose the heir to take it, instead of bequeathing it with everything else?

Flash Fiction Challenge: Scary Story in Three Sentences

Description: Write a scary story (must have beginning, middle, end) in three sentences or less, not exceeding 100 words and post it as a comment at the challenge blog post, not on your site.
Posted: 12 October 2012
Due: 19 October 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and a brief assessment of the result.
Result:  An Appointment with the Fairy Prince: to be found at the terribleminds challenge entry, somewhere near the entry.
Comment: I especially liked the entry about the kelpie. If you can find it, enjoy.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Five Titles Make a Challenge

Description: Pick one of the titles and write a piece of flash fiction no more than 1,000 words in length.
Posted: 5 October 2012
Due: 12 October 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and the thought process behind creating the response.
Result:  Bright Stars gone to Black: Corcoran and Em Jay had a thing going, until Em Jay made him disappear.

Flash Fiction Challenge: An Epic Game of Aspects Redux

Description: Randomly select three elements and write a 1,000-word story containing those elements. In this case I wrote a fan fiction tale containing a family torn apart for conflict/problem and a sea monster as a story element.

Posted: 28 September 2012
Due: 5 October 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and the research behind the work produced.
Result: Marrietta and the Wreck of the Partying Plesiosaur: When Marrietta investigates the wreck of shore-line steamer Partying Plesiosaur, she cannot find anyone who was on board, either living or dead. Guilt-ridden because she had been late in joining her newly wed sister and brother-in-law's expedition to settle to settle the western shore, Marrietta swears to discover what happened, but with a storm coming in, her companions flee and she is left to discover the Plesiosaur's secrets on her own.

Flash Fiction Challenge: A Novice Revenges the Rhythm

Description: Write a 1000-word-or-less story that includes the randomly generated sentence: A novice revenges the rhythm.

Posted: 21 September 2012
Due: 28 September 2012
Thought Process and Result: The Novice and the Damned: A rhyming prose piece of 175 words about disaster at a rock concert.

Flash Fiction Challenge: A Second Game of Aspects

Description: Randomly select three elements and write a 1,000-word story containing those elements. In this case I rolled splatterpunk containing a funeral and a space station, and chickened out of posting the story.
Posted: 14 September 2012
Due: 21 September 2012
Thought Process: explains the reasons for bowing out.

Flash Fiction Challenge: A Game of Aspects

Description: Randomly select three elements and write a 1,000-word story containing those elements. In this case I wrote a sword and sorcery tale containing a serial killer and the theme of man versus himself and ended up with a Conan-style tale.
Posted: 7 September 2012
Due: 14 September 2012
Thought Process: describes the challenge and the research behind the work produced.
Result: Blood and Iron: When a serial killer follows Haft to a second city, the Northlander is determined to clear his name for the murder of 'his' women.


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