PokemonGo In-the-Scanner: News Alerts
I’m thinking most of you will have already worked this out, but I’ll note it here, anyway. Occasionally, you’ll get a news window pop up when you open PoGo. Sometimes this is annoying, but you can just swipe it away and not look. And, sometimes, you’ll see that the pokeball symbol at the bottom of the screen has a red dot on it. See? Well, if you tap on the symbol, you get to go to the screen where you can choose to go to the shop, or check on your pokemon, or check out your pokedex, or just see how many items you have. There are a couple of other options in that screen, now, too. They are located in the upper right-hand corner. You’re probably already aware of the ‘settings’ button, and the ‘tips’ button. They’ve been there a long time. I’m not sure when the ‘news’ button arrived – probably last year, but I didn’t notice. Anyway, when you have the red dot on the pokeball symbol, you will notice that the ‘news’ option has red lettering, to let you know that the...