On the Recent Furor Over Paying the Writer...
So, some dude at Huffington Post believes that pieces written for free are more authentic than those written for money - and so he is very proud that Huffington Post does not pay its writers . Needless to say, this has created a bit of a furor from a whole stack of writers... but it's something that's been going on for a while, now - this whole not-paying or not-paying-a-fair-rate to writers, so all I can say is it's about time. Mind you, this attitide isn't confined to the editor-in-chief - yes, that was the 'some dude' - it's also held by at least one staffer holding a salaried position, who believes that writing for free means that, as a writer, you don't have daily hours, deadlines, or need to work on weekends and that the 'exposure' is worth doing something for nothing. Both these guys delicately avoid the point that they make money off the content they provide, including any content they seek to be allowed to use from other bloggers...