Words from Day 33 - Lunar Wolves: The Unwilling
Yesterday, I slated writing time for after dinner... That is usually one of my more productive writing times. The only hazard with that is when I become fatigued enough that I catch myself staring at the screen for over half an hour, not having written any words. When that happens, I've learned to go to bed - and that my productivity will pick up the next day, if I do. It took a while for the message to sink in, because I'm stubborn, don't like failing, and don't like calling it quits early... but I eventually worked it out. Starting Words: 65,188 Finishing Words: 66,903 Words Written: 1,715 Other Words: 0 Other Project/Project Aspects Advanced: 2 Excerpt: In which Oliver learns that Odyssey is everywhere, and might really see all: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That all depends on what Odyssey intend to do with us when we get there,” Oliver told him. He turned back. “An...