Words from Day 13 - Lunar Wolves: The Unwanted
This part of the story was a lot of fun to write, and the words flowed as our wolves found themselves biting off a bit more than they could chew. Starting Words: 43,142 Finishing Words: 49,568 Words Written: 6,426 Other Words: 0 Other Project/Project Aspects Advanced: 0 Excerpt: In which Oliver and Lewis start to understand just how big a favor Rohim is asking: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man watched him and Oliver emerge, and indicated the crates. “What d’you think?” Lewis came three steps into the room and stopped short. Olive ran into him, and then stepped around him. “Oh, hell , no…” the alpha rumbled. Rohim looked puzzled. “Oh, hell, no, what?” He glanced at the crates. “They’re the right size, aren’t they?” Oliver regarded him, and Lewis could see the effort it took for the alpha not to yell at the man. Yes, the boxes were the right size, and no…oh hell-to-t...