Writing Life: Contemplation
I read a lot of things as I try to work out how this whole indie thing works, and I keep coming back to a few of them, because they remind me what it’s all about, and that gives me the courage to continue chasing the dream. So, when one says write what you love, and don’t let chasing a market dictate, I listen – and then I assess what I’m doing. Am I writing poetry and flash fiction because it’s the latest market? Do I write romance for the same reason? What about the science fiction? The fantasy? I took a long, hard look, and decided perhaps, I didn’t. The poetry and flash fiction, the short story collections and short stories, they don’t sell very well. From a business point of view, perhaps I should stop writing them… but I won’t. Not because I hope for discovery, but because it would hurt to stop. I like writing poetry – it’s the challenge of it. Poetry is hard to get right. And I like writing flash fiction; it’s hard to get a story in less than a thousand words. I also li...