Words from NaNoWriMo2020 Day 19 - Lunar Wolves Book 1
The story-writing was delayed on the 19th day of #NaNoWriMo202, and the words were finished too late for a blog entry on the day. Things got interesting as Ravelin found, and lost, Oliver and Lewis's trail. Starting Words: 37,784 Finishing Words: 39,447 Words Written: 2,074 Extract: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oliver led them into the hills, his soul singing at the scent of trees and grass and the ruffle of a fresh breeze through his fur. He wished he could stop to investigate the world, but he didn’t dare. Behind them an angry company with too much knowledge of shifters had landed. He didn’t know if they’d traced them to Mikka’s farm, or found their way through the meremois pack, but he didn’t want to stop to find out. Whatever Big Man was, he wasn’t human…and Oliver was pretty sure he wasn’t were…or lupar. No, Big Man was something else. Oliver didn’t know what, and rig...