
Showing posts from August 13, 2017

Today's PokemonGo Medal: Gold Kindler

Well, two days ago, I managed to catch my 200th fairy-type pokemon, and today I managed to hatch my 200th fire-type pokemon. That's not a bad week - even if I still can't participate in raids. The hatchling that became the 200th 'catch' was this houndour. It turned out to be 'one of the strongest', having HP as its 'best quality', a great Attack and Defense, and the 'best stats' ever seen. Love being Team Yellow. Go you flaming ball of darkness!

Fate in the Sun Now Available on Pre-Order

It's been a busy week, so Fate in the Sun - my first release for October - is also available on pre-order from Smashwords and Amazon. It's a short story, so I won't be releasing it as a paperback, until next year's short works collection. On Canon V, the colonists live underground—those that can, anyway. Those that are born unable, I help guide to the surface, and then I try to warn them of the creatures that come from beyond the rifts. Some listen. Most run away screaming. With the creatures coming more often, now, the last thing any of us expected was for corporate intervention. Now, we just have to work out if they’re offering a deal worth taking, or if we’d be better off in the caves.

Volume 3 of the 2014 Collection Now Released

Also, today... or very early yesterday, depending on your time-zone, C.M. Simpson: Short Work from 2014, Volume 3 went live on all outlets. It can be found on Amazon as an ebook, CreateSpace as a paperback, Smashwords in all ebook forms, DriveThruFiction as a PDF, and via Draft2Digital distribution. This blend of genres includes all the short stories and poems published in 2015 and 2016 A collection of flash fiction, short stories, poems and essays where the genres of fantasy and urban fantasy explore depression, fear, facing the unexpected, and working through difficult situations. It is of adapting to a changing world, to dealing with fear, and about exploring a world where trolls, pixies, unicorns and fairies might be real. This collection is about the myths of the world, the fairytale world, the never was, and might have been.

Shades of Memory Now Available on Pre-Order

Yesterday, September's second release, Shades of Memory went up on pre-order at Smashwords and Amazon. This one will also be released as a print-on-demand large-print paperback on CreateSpace. It will be available from all outlets on September 22, 2017. When Aggie Dormain arrives in Canberra to paint some old diggers, she does not expect to meet an out-of-work archaeologist investigating an alien conspiracy, much less to be pulled into an adventure that would give Indiana Jones a run for his money.

Thursday's PokemonGo Medal: Gold Fairy Tale Girl

Finally, caught my 200th fairy-type pokemon - a marill. Now to work on evolving the biggest, meanest - can they even be mean? - azumarill possible... right after I work my way through the eevee.

Print-on-Demand Now Available for Volume 3 of the 2014 Short Works Collection

Currently only at the CreateSpace store, the third volume, fantasy and urban fantasy, of the short work released in 2014, will soon be available in print form from other vendors. This is the last one I've put out in both large and normal print versions . From here on out, I'll be doing large-print only due to time constraints on formatting. A collection of flash fiction, short stories, poems and essays where the genres of fantasy and urban fantasy explore depression, fear, facing the unexpected, and working through difficult situations. It is of adapting to a changing world, to dealing with fear, and about exploring a world where trolls, pixies, unicorns and fairies might be real. This collection is about the myths of the world, the fairytale world, the never was, and might have been.

Babes in London: Finalising Act 3

FINALIZING ACT 3 After the Library/University/Museum Investigation, visiting David Markovin, Emblae or the Fae: When PCs have finished doing the investigation, they have a number of options. They can: go and undertake the other avenues of investigation available (Go To Act III, Scene 4A for the Library Investigation, Act III, Scene 4B for the University Investigation, or Act III, Scene 4C for the Museum Investigation); go and investigate the gallery in Islington to find out about the painter David Markovin who has a studio in Cambden (go to Act III, Scene 1 ); go to David Markovin’s studio in Cambden (go to Act III, Scene 1 ); go to Emblae (if they have played The Fire Within ) – in which case the faery identifies the creatures as the Red Boars of Set and gives them the information listed on pp. 36-37; go the Fae of Haverhill (if they have played The Fire Within ) in which case PCs receive the information on p. 37 contact the Gehenna Consortium, go to Act ...