Writer Update - Life, Stories, and Videos
It's been a busy week, and only a fortnight since I left my day job. This has impacted me more than I thought it would, so bear with me as I work through it - by which I mean you will be seeing a lot more of me as a writer and YouTube creator, while I look for alternate work. However, since one major Life event is more than enough, and I'm already dealing with another two, let's get on with the real news. I've spent much of this month catching up on things I put to one side so I could work unpaid overtime in order to meet the demands of the day job. There was a lot of that, so in the last fortnight, I've done some catch-up. On the YouTube front, I finished processing, uploading and schedulng somewhere in the vicinity of 50 videos for the gaming channel, revamped my publishing schedule, and doubled down on catching up and getting ahead. I have also done more recording, as I work toward finishing some of my longer-running series, and moving into new ones, on both the ...