
Showing posts from March 15, 2020

Wednesday's Verse - Battle Ghosts

This week’s verse moves from a science fiction verse about a fortune hunter learning a well-deserved lesson, to a fantasy verse about commemorating heroes. It is taken from Another 365 Days of Poetry , a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2019. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Ghosts Long lie the ghosts in the skies and the fields, Beneath clouds, stars and soil in the land they defended where long ago, in hard battle, their lives they did yield. They fought with their voices, with what they could wield They fought with the tools that for peace were intended Long lie the ghosts in the skies and the fields No one ran; they all stayed when the warning bells pealed Took up arms, kitchen tools, ploughs to swords were soon rendered, and long ago, in hard battle, their lives they did yield. They are memories, now, their fate is long-sealed ...

Tuesday's Short - The Songster & the Pirates

This week’s short story takes us f rom a science fiction setting where family politics lead to corporate enslavement to a science fiction setting where mythical creatures walk the stars. Welcome to T he Songster & the Pirates . Once a space merc, now a singer, Taran keeps her identity as a siren secret. When spacewolves join the audience at her current gig, she knows what they’re looking for. The only question is can she slip away, before the wolves and her past can catch up with her? The Songster & the Pirates   Taran looked out into the audience, noting the four hulking figures in dark grey ship suits, mingling amongst them. She knew spacers when she saw them, and she knew werewolves, too—and these were trying way too hard to blend in to be interested in anyone but her. She studied them, as she continued to sing, letting her eyes rove over the audience, and snatching details of her targets as she went. It wouldn’t do to stare, or they m...