About Ingress: What’s So Important About Badges?
Badges? I hear you ask. You keep banging on about badges. What’s so important about them? Well, up until Level 8, you advance on the AP (or experience) you earn, and that’s all you need to move from one level to another, BUT once you hit Level 9, you’re going to have to have badges to show that you’ve earned the right to advance to the next level. Think of it as having proof that you know what you’re doing. Wait! What? Where do I find out about this? Well, you can look at your scanner. When you hit Level 8, you will notice a line just above your medals. It will have something like: LVL 9 Req: (picture of a blank silver badge) 0/4 (picture of a blank gold badge) 0/1. Take a look at the screen shot below; I used it to show a Spec Ops badge last week, but you can see the requirements listed just below the agent insignia, and above the badges. From the looks of it, Agent LittleBlackDuck has all the badges needed to get to Level 12, but needs almost 400,000 AP. ...