
Showing posts from February 18, 2018

PokemonGo: Today’s Hatchlings & a New Pokemon

I didn’t want to go for a walk, today, but that’s nothing new. I have to walk, or I lose writing time to my back doing unexpected and painful things. It would be easier to take a pill, and a lot more time efficient—but it would be nowhere near as good for clearing my head, and revitalising my creativity. Not to mention fun. Today’s hatchlings included a carvanha from a 5km egg, and a trapinch from a 10km egg, both collected from pokestops in the local area. And today’s new pokemon was a cute little vibrava courtesy of the trapinch hatching, although, if I’d realised there was a third evolution, I might not have powered it up before evolving it.     Of course, bring team Instinct, these hatchlings were more than worth keeping.

Second Completion this Week

So far, it's been a busy week for writing, and I've managed to complete two projects. Today, I hope to make it three. If I do, I'll drop a completion picture on the blog. In the meantime, I've finished a short story for the Mack 'n' Me Anthology , and the third chapter book in the Dear Tiger series by Carlie Simonsen. The Depredides Dance Dear Tiger: Don't Look Back

Indonesian: Practicing

Just a quick shout out to let you know that I have an Indonesian blog. It's to help me practice my Indonesian, because I simply don't want to lose what little ability I have in the language. Each blog is divided into two sections: the section where I write in Indonesian... and the section where I put down the English translation of what I think I've written in Indonesian. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about, but I'm looking at translating parts of my stories, and maybe talk about writing in general... or anything else that grabs me as interesting. It's all practice, right? Anyway, you're welcome to drop by and check it out, just don't expect it to be perfect, because I'm still very much learning - and feel free to let me know how I can do better. But nicely, okay, because doing this is scary enough. Oh... and a link, so here's the link to my Indonesian blog , in case your curious, or interested.

Ingress: Today’s New Medal—Onyx Trekker

I finally walked my 2,500th Ingress kilometre, today. I would probably have walked it sooner, but… pokemon. And now, because I play these games side-by-side, I can focus my walking on MORE pokemon, even as I try to level up my other ingress medals. ALL the fun, right? It’s time to move.

PokemonGo: Today’s Hatchlings & New Pokemon

I think I forgot to mention yesterday’s hatchling and new pokemon. That’s okay, I’ll put them in the end of month round-up, rather than spam you here. TODAY, on the other hand, I managed to hatch TWO pokemon: a torchic—which I’m happy to see because I’m working towards being to evolve a blaziken— and a bagon—which is a brand new pokemon for me. Torchic came from a 5k egg, and bagon hatched out of a 10k egg. It’s been a busy couple of days of walking.   Finally, to top it off, I managed to catch enough surskit to evolve a masquerain, making it a good day's hunting overall.

Ingress: Tactics—Why Smash and Leave?

Ingress is an outdoor, augmented reality game, with strategic and tactical elements. Kind of like chess where everyone’s having their turn at once, or a game of Capture the Flag, if there were multiple flags and the field was world-wide and the teams unlimited in their numbers with everyone kinda doing their own thing within a team framework. Anyway, I find it fun, and I’m always taking note of what the other side is doing so I can learn new tricks… and then undo it. Right? Cos that’s the game. Anyway, way back in July, I noticed a continued pattern from the local greens (and one I see in some of the local blues, too, but not as many), and I’m seeing it not just the established players, but some of the newer ones to the area, as well. They’ll come in and smash a field, or a portal, but they won’t capture it, or, if they do capture it, they put a single resonator on it. It used to drive me crazy, because I couldn’t make sense of it - and then I found some Real Life constraints wh...

PokemonGo: Daily Hatchling & Today's New Pokemon

One of February's pokemongo goals was to hatch an egg every day. I've missed posting the others (although I have missed a day due to a back injury), but here's today's new hatchling, a pretty little aron, and, just because I don't want to spam you all with pokemon posts, beside him is volbeat, caught for the first time, today:

Progress Report: February 11-17, 2018

The week just gone went well , although it ended with a back injury because I didn't go for proper walks for the duration. On the upside, I completed Mack 'n' Me: Origins the first book of the Mack 'n' Me 'n' Odyssey series, and almost finished a short story that came about as a result of that, as well as discovering the seed for a fourth book in that series.   Progress Overview: February 11-17, 2018 New words produced: 22,894 Outlines and Notes: 3,580 Words compiled: 4,215 Works completed: 1 ( Mack 'n' Me: Origins ) Works edited: 0 Covers created: 0 Works published: 0 Works released: 0 Works submitted: 0 Competitions Entered: 0 Bloggery: 0 Hours at Desk —February 11-17: 35 hours 55 minutes Hours at Desk —February 4-10: 48 hours 21 minutes Hours at Desk —January 28-February 3: 27 hours 39 minutes January Hours at Desk: 180 hours 3 minute Goal Progress Publish Fortnightly: Weekly pre-releases have al...