
Showing posts from January 5, 2014

PDF – C.M. Simpson: First Chapters, First Pages and Free Reads from 2013

Last year was a pretty hectic one for me, between releasing older work and ceating new short stories and free reads. Here is a collation of the first chapters, first pages and free reads from 2013: And HERE is where you can download the PDF.

Australian Birds - More Magpies

Magpies are handsome birds, looking very dapper in their shiny black and white plumage, but their babies tend to look like they've been through the wash one too many times, even in nice weather. The parent is in the background, and its much greyer looking child is in the foreground. The youngster follows mum or dad around, learning to hunt. It's not as easy as it looks, but magpies use their keen sight... ... and good hearing to help them. And sometimes they meet with success. All under their parents' very watchful eyes. And when it's time to go, it's time to go.

Fildenstar - Because they are worth a mention of their own

Way back in 2012, I went to Conflux, a science fiction convention in Canberra... and this was where I first saw Fildenstar performing. I have not forgotten them, and wanted to share something of them here. Here is a YouTube clip of one of my favourite songs of theirs: You can find more of Fildenstar'sYouTube clips HERE . And HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN FIND THEIR WEBSITE online. They will be performing at the Aurealis Awards in Canberra on April 5, 2014. If you're in the A.C.T. at that time, go and check them out. Curious about embedding a video from YouTube? Blogger has some excellent advice HERE . I'd love to know what you think of the Fildenstar's music, and if you've heard anything else of theirs that you particularly like.

PDF - C.M. Simpson: First Chapters, First Pages and Free Reads from 2012

Here is my first experiment with uploading files to Blogger. I have collated all the first chapters, first pages, and free reads of work published in 2012 into a PDF file, and connected it below. The links to locations outside the document work fine, but the internal links do not. In order to be able to read the content more comfortably, just click on the little arrow thingy in the top-left corner of the box. This will close the navigation bar, and allow you to read the excerpts and stories more easily. If you centre the slide bar, you should be able to see most of the page width. Please let me know how you find viewing this embedded PDF in the comments boxes below. I was going to write a step-by-step post on this process, but I have found that some excellent posts already exist. On January 6, 2014, I posted a collection of first chapters, first pages and free reads of work published in 2012 as an embedded PDF file. To achieve this, I followed the clear instructions provi...

Progress Report - Week 1 January 2014

Last-week-first-week. Last week of the old year, last week of the break—First week back at work, first week of the new year. Auspicious? I’m not sure, but writing was done and routines are being rejinked. Preparations are being made to ensure the release schedule runs to time. Blog is updated, old projects cleared and new projects prepped. This year is ticking along, okay. Let’s see how it continues. Overview New words produced: 3,668 Old words revised: 3,586 Works completed: 0 Works revised: 0 Covers created: 0 (1-3 variations) Works published: 0 (2-3 release platforms) Works submitted: 0 Competitions Entered: 0 Tier 1 Tasks Annual 13: Added 1,635 words Annual 14: Added 2,245 words   Extra Tasks Annual12A—C.M. Simpson: Short Stories and Poems from 2013; Vol.1: Compiled Annual12A—C.M. Simpson: Short Stories and Poems from 2013; Vol.2: Compiled Annual12A—C.M. Simpson: Short Stories and Poems from 2013; Vol.3: Compiled ...