PDF - C.M. Simpson: First Chapters, First Pages and Free Reads from 2012

Here is my first experiment with uploading files to Blogger. I have collated all the first chapters, first pages, and free reads of work published in 2012 into a PDF file, and connected it below. The links to locations outside the document work fine, but the internal links do not.

In order to be able to read the content more comfortably, just click on the little arrow thingy in the top-left corner of the box. This will close the navigation bar, and allow you to read the excerpts and stories more easily. If you centre the slide bar, you should be able to see most of the page width.

Please let me know how you find viewing this embedded PDF in the comments boxes below.

I was going to write a step-by-step post on this process, but I have found that some excellent posts already exist. On January 6, 2014, I posted a collection of first chapters, first pages and free reads of work published in 2012 as an embedded PDF file.

To achieve this, I followed the clear instructions provided by Jason on his blog Jasonisms. You can find his post on embedding PDFs HERE. If you're not one for reading, Jason has also provided a video at the same link.

Using slightly different instructions from The Tech Zone blog, I changed the 'share' settings to public.

Also, in the comments on The Tech Zone blog, Dark UFO describes how to get the link so that people can download the file. The process is a little different, with the link being in the sharing settings - and I was unable to find the 'Publish to the Web' option Dark UFO described, so I think the process might have changed slightly... or I am not so very good at this, and have completely missed the option Dark UFO describes. One or the other.


Please let me know if it works.

Other resources include:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KBEhdDzHyQ: a handy video that uses scribd instead of Google Docs.
http://www.mybloggerlab.com/2013/03/how-to-embed-pdf-and-other-documents-in-blogger-posts.html: is a very clearly written set of directions on embedding documents. I almost wish I'd read this post first, but the post from Jason is almost the same.


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