Ingress: The Via Lux Adventure Medal—Days 13-16
I’ve made my 300. It was surprisingly more difficult than I thought it would be, but it’s done. The only problem is that I’m really going to struggle to get another batch of badges in a similar time-frame ever again… unless I move cities—but that’s a problem for another day. Day 13 Day 13 saw me finish the adventure series this challenge had caught me in the middle of, and then head down to the Tuggeranong town centre the Tuggeranong town centre. It was an unfamiliar area, so I enlisted the aid of a series of 6 adventures to try and make sure I didn’t miss any portals, but got very confused between adventures two and three, and went to work methodically to make sure I picked up as many portals as I could before heading home. The three adventures I did complete were: After that, my inventory filled up and I just had to blast and capture a field of green portals to empty it out a little. Fully deploying and modding each portals was essential, and linking helped...