
Showing posts from May 21, 2023

WiP Extract - Dark God's Rise - Chapter 1

What are we working on, now we've finished the fourth book in the Strays of Lunar One series? Well, there are several, but I always have a focus project, and the others get done as I can fit them in. The next focus project is rewrite of Dark God's Rise, the second book in the Chronicles of a Dark God trilogy. And here's the first chapter, in draft:  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - The Temple Deeps The temple deeps were cool and quit. Brianda stalked carefully through their shadows, avoiding the pools of light cast by flickering lanterns. The silence made her ears ache, making it hard to concentrate on the game at hand. Personally, she didn’t see the point of playing, but Raomar had said Ghost needed something to do, and that they needed to train. “Thought you said you weren’t my master,” Brianda grumbled, and the ex-guildmaster had given her an icy stare. The Northman, ...

The Writer Reads Poetry from Another 365 Days of Poetry – Day 09: “The D...

Yesterday's poem was modeled on the echo verse form...and is, of course, about dragons:

The Writer Reads Flash Fiction from Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction – ...

Today's flash fiction reading :-)

Saya Mencoba Belajar, dan Penerjamahan ke dalam, Bahasa Indonesia

Saya memutuskan seharusnya melanjutkan belajar bahasa Indonesia...dan barangkali lebih baik kalau membagikan proses itu di sini. Maaf minta di muka ketika kesalahan dibuat saya. Bersikaplah yang baik. Saya akan mulai dengan menerjemahkan tulisan saya, dan barangkali akan berbicara hal-hal yang lain juga. Terjemahan Satu Naik di Dunia Saya tinggal di apartemen sudut di sembilan puluh lima Jalan Pernikahan - atau dilakukan, satu ketika. Saya akan suka mengatakan saya merindukan apartemen itu, tapi tidak betul. Dilihat saya sebagai tempat perlindungan, tapi hampir kuburan saya. Saya melakukan satu perkerjaan terlalu banyak, pergi turun ke sisi-planet untuk menghindari panas, berharap pada Hades sudah bepergian cukup jauh...kecuali tidak ada tempat yang pernah akan menjadi itu. Mereka mendatang untuk saya di malam, sama seperti taman di penuhi oleh bayangan senja, dan lorong-lorongnya dirubah menjadi kolam tinta oleh gelap. Saya melihatnya di monitor, di multi-warna infra-merah., kemudian ...