Wednesday's Verse - Dragonships Ahoy
This week’s verse moves from a science fiction poem about rescuing people from a crashed starship to a science fiction acrostic about solar starships. It is taken from 366 Days of Poetry , a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2016. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonships Ahoy D ancing on the winds of space, R eeling and spinning on the breath of stars, A live with the ever-blowing solar breeze, G yrating through the solar system, from Pluto through to Mars, O ur dragons find their way, on wings of finest steel N o one said the star dragons, were ever creatures real, S o we built them, to catch the solar flares, H arness the power of a mighty sun, and then I nto the very farthest depths of our universe to run, P erhaps we should have made better star drives, S o that we had more control, but the dragons fly forever, A nd shine brightly in t...