Tuesday's Short - Serpents' Souls & Dragons' Hearts

This week’s short story takes us from banshees in space to a science fiction story involving the discovery of a new threat, and new defenders for the universe. Welcome to Serpents' Souls & Dragons' Hearts.

Mankind has legends of intelligent serpents, dragons and vampires in almost every culture, and now mankind is out amongst the stars. When an emergent psi of lizardine-human descent dreams of a many-legged threat and serpents walking the skies, mankind might just have a chance to discover those legends made real.

Serpents' Souls & Dragons' Hearts is available as a stand-alone short story at the following links: books2read.com/u/3nOqYB.

You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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