Meet the Authors of "The Expanding Universe 4" - Nathan Mutch

Today, we meet Nathan Mutch one of the 20 contributors the latest Expanding Universe anthology , and author of The Unity Empire series. Please welcome him to the blog. ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO DESTROY A SMALL CITY (AND HOW TO CHOOSE WHICH ONE) The makers of disaster movies and comic book movies can’t resist the spectacle of a city destroyed by malignant fate, clashing titans, or the clockwork inevitably of an uncaring universe. Cities are easy marks. They are the ultimate innocent bystander. Historical and cultural landmarks, architectural and national monuments, and Paris are the usual suspects when considering your lineup of cities to destroy by earthquakes, meteors, or any other countless acts of god/alien invasions/superhero fights. But what do you do when Paris doesn’t fit the bill? How do you choose when Hollywood has razed, crushed, and blasted every major monument the world over? I knew from the outset that...