Sneak Peek—Stories from The Expanding Universe Anthology #4: ‘Breaker’ by David VanDyke

There are 20 short stories in the latest volume of Craig Martelle’s The Expanding Universe anthologies. Today, with Craig's permission, we are taking a sneak peek at the start of David VanDyke’s story, ‘Breaker’. Here’s how it begins:

When the most notorious freedom fighter in human space is captured, his mission is over. Or is it?

“Why did you decide to rebel again, Assault Captain Straker?” Inquisitor Lazarus poised his elegant stylus over the sheet of hardcopy, an intimidation by script.
“That’s Colonel Straker, you piece of shit clone. Or you can call me Liberator.” Straker flexed his big hands within the manacles as if to reach across the table to strangle the man before him. A system of chains on his feet and hands prevented him, attached to a stun-belt.
Two muscular, pebble-skinned Hok guards moved forward and lifted prods. Lazarus raised a forestalling hand. “No need for insults, Straker. You gave yourself promotions, but they were never confirmed by any legitimate government. Nor was your popular title, Liberator. But let’s put that aside.” Lazarus took out a pack of smokesticks and offered it, lighting one when Straker declined.
After a deep drag, Lazarus spoke again. “I return to my question. Why did you rebel against your government?”
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