Wednesday's Verse - Demons in the Dark
This week’s verse moves from a fantasy poem about the end of a war to a horror fantasy poem about defeating a subtle evil. It is taken from 266 Days of Poetry , a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2016. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demons in the Dark A hand at my hip, a demon at my side, a monster in my closet, where our worlds collide. A whisper in the dark, warm breath upon my neck, a presence walking with me, fear haunting every step. An arm cross my shoulders, tucks me close to another’s side, a firm grip keeps me standing from where I’d rather run and hide. The monsters in our minds, the monsters ’neath our beds, the monsters in our closets are the fears that feed our dread. So I brush away that hand, bid that presence firm adieu, disentangle that iron grip, tell the monster we are through. And i...