After a Long Time Away...
...the good news is that I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. The year has been a bit turbulent, with a lot of Life events, leading, as they do, to Life changes. I have written more work-for-hire than I planned, in order to cover an unexpected employment shift, and my parents have both been very sick in the last few months, although one is now recovering as well as can be expected, and the other is doing okay despite being in palliative care. These events and the time taken to look for a more regular day job, have impacted my own writing, which slowed to a complete stop, even though I've completed four joint projects and am working on a fifth. As well as that, I'm also sure those of you who've been following my YouTube channels have seen the effects of these changes, there, as well. Don't worry; we're working to change that, and you'll see some of those changes this month, one of which will involve this blog, which has been long neglected and will ...