Progress Report: Week 3, November 2017
Week 3 of November rolled on, and I missed my family, but that’s the problem with living so far away from everyone. We enjoyed their company while they were here, and then we went back to work. For me, that meant realising I really had to get November’s second release up and running. As with October, I already had the month’s first release out there, but the second to be edited, formatted and uploaded—and it needed a cover. By the end of the week, I had the cover and the first round of edits done, and was working my way through the print-on-demand edit and format. I also had a vague idea of where I was going, although I felt very tentative about it, because it was a path I hadn’t been able to pursue full-time, before. Last week’s progress looked like this: Progress for Week 3, November 2017 New words produced: 16,770 Outlines and Notes: 1,280 Works completed: Nil Works edited: 1 ( Wheelchair Mermaid ) Covers created: 1 ( Wheelchair Mermaid ) Works published: Ni...