Just Released Wheelchair Mermaid as Carlie Simonsen

Wheelchair Mermaid is now out on Smashwords, Amazon, and DriveThruFiction, as well as being distributed via Draft2Digital. It will also be available in paperback shortly, and that is being distributed via CreateSpace, so yay!

All Stacey wants is a morning on the beach—okay, and maybe to surf again. Like that’s ever going to happen, but a morning on the beach, on her own, as close to the waves as she’ll ever get, again, will do. It’s just that when something swims under the jetty, and a speedboat full of dangerous-looking men arrives on the beach shortly after, she has to do something. Right? Wheelchair or not, right? And that’s when life really starts to get interesting…

Wheelchair Mermaid is the fourth book in the Wheelchair Adventures series, which is based around young people getting their wheels underneath them, after they find themselves in wheelchairs.


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