
Showing posts from December 11, 2016

Ingress: How to Move A Mission Medal

A while back, I was doing a few single missions, when I noticed that my medals didn’t line up. Basically, where one mission mosaic had two badges on the line below it, the mission mosaic below it, had only one. This meant that when I completed a line of six, the bottom mosaics on my scanner wouldn’t line up to display their images correctly. I knew the only way to move a medal was to re-do the mission, but, damn. How many of these suckers was I going to have to repeat? Well, it turned out to be five. Five! So, I thought it might be interesting to screen-shot the process as I went along. This is what it looks like to move your mission medals around in order to realign. I needed my scanner to go from looking like looking like this: See the difference? In the first screen shot, there are two pieces of the sky-whale m...

Writing Life: Resources for the Beginner Indie

When I decided I wanted to write again, I took six months of research before deciding not to pursue a traditional publisher, or an agent. It wasn’t six months of wondering, though. It was six months of research. I read every blog I could find from as many different people in the publishing and writing industry as I could. I read traditionally published authors, hybrid authors, purely independent authors. I read agents’s blogs, publishers’ blogs, and industry commentators’ blogs. I went through articles on writing, on being published, on scams, on methods, on conventions. And when I sat down and tallied up the pros and cons, I decided to go independent. There’s a lot of information out there, so I’m going to narrow it down to four: :Kristine Kathryn Rusch blog - 40 year veteran with some good advice and insight into the publishing industry; : Dean Wesley Smith - as for KKRusch;  http://www.thepassivevoice. com/ :an I...

Progress Report: Week Ending December 10, 2016

It was a busy week, this week, as I started to establish a new writing routine. The results are already starting to show, and I’m pleased with the way things are progressing. I need to tweak the editing program, a little bit, but this is, so far, an acceptable rate of progress. I am currently in catch up mode trying to get things to a state where I’m formatting and uploading twelve months ahead, so the workload is heavier than it would normally be—but that’s the price of just starting to work out how things should look. So far, I have writing completed for releases through to the first week of October next year, and have five more items to complete before I’m running to schedule on the writing front. On the publishing front, I have to knuckle down and get the editing, formatting and uploading done for things that are due this month, and then get to work on the rest. Like I said, this is the starting out phase, where you know where you need to be, and have to put extra work in to get t...