
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

First (Re)-Release of the Year - Mack 'n' Me: Origins

The second edition of Mack 'n' Me: Origins released on January 6, and is now available once more. What's changed? Story-wise, not a lot. The book has had a re-edit and received a new cover (courtesy of Moonchild Ljilja at Fantasy Book Design ) and new front and back matter, ensuring it gives a solid base for the stories that follow. What's the Series About? I'd like to say the entire series is about persistence when everything goes wrong...and the hope that, if you continue trying, something will finally go right, but my readers tell me it reminds me of a dysfunctional Firefly - and Heaven knows that crew was dysfunctional enough! - or that its kinda like grim-dark in space - and I'm not sure it's really that dark, but I'll take their word for it. In short, it's a dark, paramilitary, action-adventure science-fiction novel set in a far-distant, and probably alternate, future where a small mercenary company tries to navigate its way through missions...