Words from NaNoWriMo Day 11 - Lunar Wolves Book 1

NaNoWriMo Day 11 was also a struggle but we got there in the end, scraping the bare minimum before heading to bed for yet another nap. 

Starting Words: 20,813

Ending Words: 22,491

Total for the Day: 1,678

Extract: Oliver starts to realize the consequences of what he's done:



In truth, getting someone out of stasis wasn’t a complicated process, but it left a human groggy, and a werewolf at the mercy of his instincts. When that wolf was born to those instincts, or had had time to get used to them, this wasn’t usually a problem, but when that wolf had barely been made?

He started the sequence and then backed up to the opposite side of the room. There was probably going to be a fight…and he needed room to move…and if Lewis was a dominant…

Knowing his friend, Oliver didn’t think that was likely, but he wasn’t taking the chance. He shifted to his hybrid form. It was faster and had the strength needed to deal with a newly turned wolf. When Lewis emerged….

“Holy fuck!”

Oliver cocked his head, studying the pod. Two hands rose above the lip, clawed and covered in fur the color of pitch.



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