Words from NaNoWriMo Day 9 - Lunar Wolves Book 1

These updates are a little (a LOT) behind, so I'll space them out over the next few days. Very shortly I'll be starting on NaNoWriMo Day 17 - although by 'shortly', I mean after the words-for-hire. It's been a long morning on the homeschooling front and I'm late starting as a result.

So, after a midnight finish, on NaNoWriMo Day 8, I faced a jam-packed day on Day 9... scraping through with the words late that evening.

Starting Words: 17,213

Ending Words: 19,343

Total for the Day: 2,130

Extract: Oliver starts to realize the consequences of what he's done:


Maybe he should have been grateful, since he was one of the few Dust Pack members to have returned to Lunar One. Most of the others had left and stayed away, no matter how much the moon’s soft grays reminded them of home.

That home was no more, and they’d secured the pack’s future in a new hunting territory, somewhere that resembled their old stamping grounds—an Earth place with pure white sand—although perhaps not a desert dire wolves had roamed in ancient times.

It was why Tallie and Chitin had dyed him so dark. His pack had a predominance of lighter fur and pale-colored eyes—features that only made him easier to find. His pack… Oliver’s gut went into freefall and he leaned against the shower wall, his claws scraping against the tiles and the ceramic coating the tub beneath.

He’d lost his pack…



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