Words from NaNoWriMo Day 18 - Lunar Wolves Book 1

 I might have missed posting the extract, but I didn't miss the words...although not by much.

Starting Words: 35,226

Finishing Words: 37,373

Total Written: 2,147

Extract: In which the margin for escape narrows:


“Five minutes, right?” Lewis asked, eyeing the machine.

“You go. I’ll bring them,” Oliver ordered, and Lewis didn’t argue.

The driver had started the engine and was giving the were the choice of going with him, or getting out, when Oliver arrived. He was relieved to see Lewis hadn’t threatened the boy.

“Five minutes did not mean seven,” the youngster grouched as he spun his tires and sent the cab spearing down the road. “Now, we have to hurry.”

Oliver wasn’t sure he’d call the ride that followed ‘hurrying’. It was more like dancing with suicide. The cab slid sideways onto the main road, screeching its tires as it fought for traction.

If something comes along now… Oliver thought, clinging to the arm rest.

He looked over at Lewis, who had braced himself in the corner between the seat and the door frame. His face was as pale as milk. The ride to Mikka’s wasn’t something either of them wanted to repeat, but Oliver feared the running had only just begun.




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