Words from Day 29-32 - Lunar Wolves: The Unwilling

Well, it's been a busy week so far, and there's a lot more distance to travel. My private deadline was to hit between the 80-100k mark by December 20th. So far, that's on track, and I may finish this novel early, buying me time to start the second one early. This is the first book in the Lunar Wolves series, a paramilitary adventure story of two werewolves on the run from two angry corporations.

Day 29

Starting Words: 54,160

Finishing Words: 58,200

Today's Words: 4,040

Other Words: 0

Extract: In which Lewis finds himself generating the necessary antibodies for Oliver to survive...and receives an unexpected visit:


Lewis glanced up at him and tried to work out how much trouble he’d be in if he asked him how he was meant to drink while he was sleeping. Aiden read the question on his face, anyway.

“Just drink as much as you can,” he said. “Anything left over, I’ll get you to drink when I return. In the meantime, finish that.”

‘That’ was the remnants of another two-liter bottle, and Lewis didn’t really want it. He took another look at the expression on Aiden’s face and decided he didn’t want to be fed it, either. Downing what was left in as short a time as possible, he handed the empty one back to the hunter and then watched as he put its replacement on the floor beside the bed.

“Sleep,” the alpha commanded, and stalked out the door.

“Like I’ve got a choice,” Lewis murmured, curling up onto his side and letting his eyes drift shut.

The smell of wolf surrounded him, both familiar and unfamiliar, both right…and wrong. Lewis sat up…or he started to, but his head swam and his skin burned and his limbs didn’t want to move.

The other wolf laughed. “Stay where you are, changeling.”

Lewis rolled slowly to his side and opened his eyes. The hybrid standing in the doorway was much, much bigger than any of the wolves he’d seen so far.

Moving slowly, Lewis pushed himself upright and swung his feet down to the floor.

This is such a bad idea, he thought, curling his fingers around the edge of the bed in an attempt not to fall.

The strange wolf sniffed. “You smell…unwell,” it said, “so I’ll keep this short.”

My name is Agerek, of the Sky Striders.”

Lewis held up a hand, and it paused. “Are… Did Florey send you?”

The wolf’s ears pricked. “No, although I am aware of her name and the other name behind it.”

Lewis tensed, and the wolf continued.

“I’m not here to collect you…and would not reach the hangar if I did. Instead, I offer you this: Should you ever find yourself on Alpha Nine, I will be waiting.”



Starting Words: 58,200

Finishing Words: 58,590

Today's Words: 390

Other Words: 0

Extract: In which Lewis isn't saying any more than he has to:


Lewis growled, trying to keep the ripple of fur under his skin, as the door re-opened.

“Odyssey!” The answer came from the doorway. It was followed by. “Put him down…without breaking him.”

Odd’s hand tightened.



Starting Words: 58,529

Finishing Words: 59,596

Today's Words: 939

Other Words: 0

Extract: In which the Odyssey agent is in a pickle:


Gabe grabbed at the hand around his throat, wrapping one hand around Aiden’s forearm, as he tried to loosen the man’s grip with his other. His face was turning a sullen shade of red. Dragging down on the arm, he lashed out again, this time catching his captor in the side of the head with his boot.

Aiden pivoted toward him, drawing back a fist, only to freeze at the sound of a blaster powering up.

“With all respect for your own client status,” the medic stated firmly, “I must insist you release him.”

“Dead or alive?” Aiden snarled



Starting Words: 59,529

Finishing Words: 65,188

Today's Words: 5,659

Other Words: 0

Extract: In which Lewis reveals his misgivings to one of the bounty hunters:


The doctor glanced at Lewis, and indicated a narrow door set in one wall. “San’s over there. There’ll be a fresh change on the sink. Get clean.”

“I’ll come with you,” Caleb said, and Lewis tensed.

Aiden shook his head. “After what happened back there? I’ll go, and you’ll stay right where you are and not cause any more problems.”

“Have it your way,” Caleb said, and leant against the wall beside the surgery door. He glanced at Oliver. “You’re not going to give me any problems, are you?”

Oliver shook his head. “Nope. I’m just gonna relax until my friend gets back.”

Lewis was glad to hear it. He headed into the san, trying to ignore Aiden trailing along behind, and worried for his friend.

“How close did he come?” he asked, as he shucked the surgical gown and stepped into the san unit.

Aiden leaned against the san door. “Our bounty nearly dropped by a third. If Florey hadn’t called us in when she did, you’d have been without your alpha. Not a good position for a new changeling to be in.”

Lewis thought about that, a chill washing through him.

“Xanil’s not a good place for me, either,” he noted.

“Xanil didn’t win the bid,” Aiden told him, “and they’re not happy, but they can’t hold it against us.”

He cocked his head. “I don’t know what it is Ravelin see in you, but they value it highly.”

Lewis shivered. “Worries me.”

Aiden gave a brief amused snort. “It should. No one knows what happens to the ones they take.”

Lewis paused. “What do you mean?”

“I mean they go into Ravelin and no one hears from them again.”

The new sent a thrill of alarm down Lewis’s spine. “No one?”

Aiden pushed off the wall. “No one. Get clean and get out.”

Lewis soaped and scrubbed, moving as quickly as he could despite the numerous aches echoing through his body. “And you’re okay with handing us over…”

Aiden shrugged. “It’s just business,” he replied.

Lewis’s jaw dropped. “It’s my life we’re talking about.”

“Lives are traded every day,” Aiden answered. “Sometimes they’re traded for something their owner believes in, and sometimes they’re taken by something else and there’s nothing that can be done to prevent it.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

Again, that shrug, accompanied by an almost pitying look. “Chiara is my pack,” he replied, as though that was all that needed to be said.



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