Gods in the Lianreida - Part 12 of 15

Tanalir blinked, pushing himself to his feet and nocking an arrow to the bow. He pushed warily clear of the bushes sheltering him and stepped onto the scorched ground. The heat radiating through the soles of his boots made him step back onto uncharred soil. The smoke was all too real.
With a sweep of his hand, Tanalir commanded his soldiers to halt their advance. Some, he noted, had drawn their swords while others held bows, half-nocked, like himself. A lone, man-shaped figure walked through the smoke. It was accompanied by a many-legged serpent. Both looked impervious to the heat.
As the elves watched, a second figure joined the man and his beast. The sweet scent of her perfume twining through the drifting haze to reach his nostrils, and making him stare in disbelief.
Again he caught the drift of her perfume. This time he lowered his bow and sank to one knee.
“Lady of light?” Tanalir was unaware he had spoken aloud until the soldiers around him turned to face him. Their movement drew his attention, although the uncertainty on their faces did not reflect the awe he felt.
Tanalir glared at the soldier who had spoken. The trooper seemed oblivious to his anger as he came closer.
“What is it?”
“Why do you kneel?”
Tanalir stared at him in disbelief.
“Can’t you see them?” he asked, astonishment evident in his voice. “Didn’t you catch the scent of her perfume?”


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