Finding my Feet Part 5—November Progress Report 3

Long week and busy. Starting to think I need to cut goals even further during term time. Next week will be the decider.

Writing Me:

1.      Short Story1: re-familiarisation complete but the story is refusing to cooperate. Revised an alternative short story (1,300 wds) – science fiction stand-alone start in to an anthology set in my own universe. Over half-way through the second story to the anthology (800 wds).
2.      Project1: Chapter 1 edited. 1 new class drafted and almost complete (took out 400 wds, added 300). May lose more words as I refine the project's focus and move what will become supplementary material into supplement drafts.
3.      Project2: New class idea added.
4.      1 blog entry a week: 4/4.
5.      Bob Mayer and Jen Talty’s Self-Publishing Options course: Week 3 complete.
6.      Continue reading and working through Bob Mayer’s Write it Forward: From Writer to Successful Author and Joy E. Held’s  Writer Wellness: A Writer’s Path to Health and Creativity.

Real-World Me

1.      Computing: 1/4 complete; 2nd complete pending exam on Tuesday.
2.      Prepping for French test on Monday.


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