Project1 Progresses

Project1 has just crossed the 31,000-word mark. Character classes are done—and I mean completely done, bar the play-testing—so I am now working on the new races. Normally, I’d put up a short free read to celebrate, but I can’t do that without giving away what the project’s about. Since that might imply a relationship with the publisher that doesn’t exist, I’d rather not do that. Project1 is planned as an on-spec submission with no guarantee of acceptance. I can’t even discuss the research I’ve done as that might also leave clues, so all I can say is that I’m enjoying this project. Whatever the outcome of the submission, this project is something I have to get out of my head.
I’m not worried that I’ll regret the time spent on it. It won’t be wasted. Despite Project1’s relatively unique nature, working on it has spawned other ideas that lend themselves to more generic systems and settings, and these are now waiting to be written.
I’ve also had an idea for a setting that I can use in a novel or three, and perhaps submit as a roleplaying backdrop. That idea is still forming, but takes shape as I work on Project1 or do household chores and give myself time to think. Pretty soon, it will be ready to outline. Right now, it’s just a set of notes in need of a story and a lot more flesh.
As I find interesting tid-bits in my research, I write them down to share at a later date. Who knows, perhaps the publisher will like Project1 enough to publish it, or maybe they’ll like another of the ideas earmarked for their company, and I’ll be able to share more once the contract has been signed.
And, if not, then I’ll definitely be sharing once the first novel is up for publication. It’ll all work… in its own sweet time.


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