Aims, Goals, RomanceNovel1

A couple of days ago, I mentioned a romance novel. This one is written under Writing Head 1’s pen name. She writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense. I was originally going to write for the Harlequin Mills and Boon market, but then I discovered independent publishing. That coupled with a few blogs about contracts, e-book royalties and paper royalties, and I decided that independent publishing might be the way to go.
So, I pulled this novel out, dusted it off and spent a month going over a chapter a day to revise, edit and bring the story back into my consciousness. I’m up to chapter 12, and the story is rocking along just fine. This is my first contemporary romance, and since I’m launching a pen name with it, I’m aiming for it to be the first of many.
I’ve been told it’s hard enough to break one author name out, let along more than one, but I’ve also been told it’s authorial suicide to write too many very different genres under one pen name. Seeing as I just can’t NOT play with a variety of genres, I just have to take a slightly longer road to having my name recognised than those authors with just one pen name to break into the market with.
I’m still debating whether or not I can link my real name to my romance pen names. At the moment, that remains not yet. I still have a day job, and kids to embarrass. I’m sure youall can live without knowing, just as I will have to live without bragging about each specific title as it’s launched. And it doesn’t matter that some of you might one day work it out. It will take you time, and a little more time is all I need.
So, children’s, crime, dark fantasy, roleplaying and romance. I write others, but these are my focus for now, and they are going to keep me plenty busy.
As for this romance, I’m aiming for it to be done by the end of February 2012, and I’ll be approaching a cover artist for it at the end of this week. My goal is for it to be uploaded by mid-March 2012, with CrimeNovel1 not too far behind it.


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