Getting Serious and Getting Started

Okay, I’ve had a look at the data, and I’ve gone over the stories in my cupboard, and I’ve made a few decisions:

1.      I’m going to give this writing thing a red-hot roaring go.
2.      I’m not going to differentiate my genres, beyond splitting my romance away from everything else.
3.      I will pay for professional covers, until I learn to make my own, and even then, because my time is finite and it takes time to truly develop art skills, I will probably still pay for professional covers.
4.      Even though I have been an editor, I will still need beta readers I can trust, to help me pick up the editing points I miss. I am undecided on hiring an editor as well.
5.      I will systematically work my way through the stories in my cupboard, while working on the new stories I am now itching to write.
6.      As each story is completed or completely revised, I will find and commission a cover artist.
7.      I will edit and send the story out to beta readers/editors as soon as the cover artist accepts the assignment and begins work.
8.      Once the editing is done, I will format for Kindle and Smashwords and release as soon as the cover art is complete and can be incorporated into the file.

Now to get back to writing and revising J.


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