Favourite Sayings Quotes and Scenes - Colin Falconer

There are some who mourn the death of publishing as we know it, but to me it’s like wishing we could have the plague back, or getting nostalgic for the feudal system.
(Colin Falconer on the Write it Forward Blog, March 4 2012)
Just sayin’…
‘Cos it made me laugh, and then it made me think, and then it made me remember all the blogs I’ve read as I researched which way was best for me to go. It doesn’t have to be the only way, and it may not be the right way for everyone, and every writer must choose which publishing method or combination of publishing methods is best for them or so I keep hearing from the numerous blogging posts from writers like the guys at Write it Forward, Joe Konrath, Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, David Gaughran, and Passive Guy, just to name a few.
Every writer must choose their own path, but learning about the paths available so we can tread them with a modicum of safety can only be done by listening to the experiences of others generous enough to share.


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