Progress Report Week 4 June 2012

Current Projects

Undertook work on the following current projects:
  • ShortStory24: has been revised and rewritten. It currently stands at 6,310 words and will be the first story in Anthology7.
  • Anthology7: I changed my mind. My fifth anthology will be Anthology7 which features the sharp and pointy, instead of creative non-fiction. One story and one poem already complete and awaiting revision, one story partially complete, and two story ideas, which arrived this week (ShortStory36 and ShortStory37; see below) and need to be written. Intended word length for this anthology will be between 15 and 20 thousand words. Estimated release date November 23, 2012. Individual stories and poems featured in this anthology will begin being made available after the fourth anthology’s release.


The following publishing tasks were completed this week:
  • Formatted and uploaded Nothing (previously ShortStory10) to Smashwords and Kindle;
  • Posted release announcements for Nothing and Shadow Life.
  • Prepared release schedule for the next three anthologies and their content, as well as for my first four novels. This takes me up to the end of December 2012.

New Arrivals

  • ShortStory36: a fantasy tale to do with unusual naming conventions, assassins, and sharp, pointy objects. I’m hoping this one will be somewhat humorous and light-hearted… my ability to achieve light-hearted and funny has currently proven elusive, so it may end up a dark and twisted satire. Wish me luck achieving otherwise.
  • ShortStory37: Another fantasy tale, this one not light-hearted or humorous, and not a satire. Again, sharp and pointy objects so that it fits the theme of Anthology7, but this time I’m adding a couple of varieties of undead—and I do not mean vampires, this time.


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