Progress Report Week 4 July 2012

Despite a busy start to the week, with the return to school and yet another change to the work routine, progress was made as follows:

Current Projects

I worked on the following current projects this week:
·         DarkFantasy2A: Revised Chapters 1-23, added 3,000 words;


The following publishing tasks were completed this week:
·         Updated An Anthology of Those Who Walk Among Us on Shelfari;
·         Updated blog four times;
·         Completed cover art and design for Anthology4 – An Anthology of Worlds and individual stories;
·         Formatted and uploaded ShortStory17 – On a Ship Called Mythicus to Smashwords;
·         Formatted and uploaded ShortStory17 – On a Ship Called Mythicus to Kindle;
·         Updated Author Central pages for Amazon US, UK, FR, and DE; and
·         Caught up with industry, publisher, agent and author blogs subscribed to on Reader.


I made the following changes to backburner projects:
·         I moved the following projects to the current projects list as I want them completed and released by December 30, 2012:
o   DarkFantasy1A-C;
o   DarkFantasy2A; and
o   SciFanNovel1A (although the decision to move it was probably made last week).
·         I moved the following projects from the current list to the backburner list:
o   Annual1;
o   Annual2.

New Arrivals

The following projects arrived this week:
·         ShortStory40: Another tale of the sharp and pointy, to be incorporated in Anthology5.


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