Progress Report Week 4 August 2012

I had the flu this week, and a good deal of last week, too, and I’m still not feeling too crash hot. In spite of it, the following progress was made.

Current Projects

I made progress on the following current projects, this week:
  • Annual1: +1,000 words;
  • DarkFantasy2A: + 1,300 words. Completed length 95,300. Awaiting cover art and final edit prior to release.
  • Revised Chapbook2: a contemporary drama;
  • Revised Chapbook3A: the first in a fantasy series;
  • Revised Chapbook4: a contemporary drama;
  • Revised Chapbook5A: the first in a series of science fiction adventure;
  • Revised Chapbook6: a science fiction war-action-adventure story;
  • Revised Chapbook7: a contemporary drama with a small science fiction element;
  •  Revised Chapbook8: a paranormal urban adventure;
  • Revised Chapbook9A: the first in a post-apocalyptic science fiction series; and
  • Revised Chapbook10A: the first in a paranormal urban fantasy adventure.

Publishing Tasks

The following publishing tasks were completed:
  •  Formatted and uploaded Poem8 – Two Worlds Collide, to Smashwords;
  • Formatted and uploaded Poem8 – Two Worlds Collide, to Kindle; and
  • Updated blog three times.

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week, and are probably a sign I shouldn’t draw in staff meetings…:
  •  PictureBook10A: to do with a cat, probably a series;
  • PictureBook10B: to do with a cat, definitely a series;
  •  Chapbook1A: to do with a cat, first in a series to be written in Australian and American English and accompanied by Teacher’s Notes. Line-drawing illustrated. Years 3-4, but adaptable to slightly higher and lower grades. English focus, but activities for outcomes in some other subject areas.
  • TeachersNotes1A: to accompany Chapbook1A, first in a series of Teacher’s Notes to accompany Chapbook series.


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