Progress Report for Week 5 September 2012

Current Projects

This week I completed the following work on my current projects:
·         RomanceNovel1A: Added 2,000 words, completed novel;
·         DarkFantasyNovel1A: Added 6,000 words to the rewrite; and
·         DarkFantasyNovel1B: Revised the first 3 chapters, a total of 7,000 words.

Publishing and non-writing Tasks

This week I completed the following tasks related to independently publishing my work:
·         Updated blog 8 times;
·         Released the large-print version of An Anthology of Dragons on CreateSpace/Amazon.
This week I completed the following tasks related to developing my art and writing skills:
·         The terribleminds flash fiction challenge (See Poem32—The Novice and the Damned, a piece of rhyming prose);
·         Attended Conflux8 writers’ workshops with Nicole Murphy, Rik Lagarto and Alan Baxter;
·         Attended Conflux8 Saturday program with panels led by Sue Isle, Ian McHugh, Alan Baxter, Penelope Cottier, Ross Hamilton, Talie Helene, Frankie Seymour, Tracey O'Hara, Jodi Cleghorn, Lily Mulholland, Keith Stevenson, Janeen Webb, and Keri Arthur.

Backburner Projects

This week the following projects on the back-burner received a little love:
·         RPGASetting6: one critter aspect of background research started and another critter aspect touched on.

New Arrivals

This week the following new ideas arrived:
·         ShortStory42: inspired by last week’s flash fiction challenge;
·         RomanceNovel1E: inspired by characters I revisited while revising RomanceNovel1A; PenName2 is going to be very busy;
·         Poem32: Rhyming prose about the death of a band; complete.
·         RPGAdventure7C: dinosaur-bone-collecting expedition... yup, even more dinosaurs;
·         RPGAdventure7D: dinosaurs underground.
·         Chapbook10C: more people with wings; Chapbooks10A-B are already written and just awaiting black-and-white internal art and covers.
·         Chapbook10D: and yet more people with wings; Chapbooks10A-B are already written and just awaiting black-and-white internal art and covers.
And these were remembered and added to the projects list:
·         RomanceNovel6A: inspired by the 2012 Aviator Challenge;
·         RomanceNovel7A: crime and Christmas, a random arrival from earlier in the year;
·         RomanceNovel1D: inspired by characters I revisited while revising RomanceNovel1A;
·         RPGAdventure7A: dinosaurs;
·         RPGAdventure7B: more dinosaurs;
·         RPGSetting7: Dinosaurs, contemporary.


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