Final Goal Status for 2012

I decided about a fortnight ago that I was not going to manage the goals I had set. Excuses? I could give a few, but the main one is that I'm still learning the limits of writing around family and work, with the result that, after my last delay, as I started gear up to bull my way through the outstanding goals I realized I would be risking quality for the sake of pride, so I stopped.

I have spent the last few days working out a publishing schedule I think I can keep for the next twelve months, while meeting editing, cover art, and interior art commitments, and will spend the last few days of the year tidying up some loose ends and preparing for next year.

The end-state of my 2012 goals stands as follows:


  • 1/1 novel released for PenName2 - Madeleine Torr.
  • 2/2 novellas released for PenName3.

Partial Success:

  • 4/5 Anthologies released; fifth anthology to be scheduled for first quarter 2013.
UPDATE: Revised publishing schedule means the fifth anthology is delayed beyond 2013.
  • 1/5 novels released; other four to be scheduled over 2013.

Complete Failure:

  • 0/2 novellas released for PenName1.

One part of me feels like a failure; the other part of me says 2 novels, 2 novellas and four anthologies in seven months is okay. A third part of me wonders if I can plan an achievable schedule for 2013. Guess there’s only one way to find out.


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