Achievements in my first 7 months of being an Indie

And what, some want to know, have I achieved in the last ‘almost-seven’ months as a new indie:
·         4 anthologies released (made up of the stories and poems below)
·         25 short stories released (17 edited, 6 new, 2 completed, a total of 19,000 new words)
·         7 poems released (7 edited)
·         7 poems awaiting release (1 edited, 6 new, a total of 1,000 new words)
·         2 novels released (2 completed, a total of 34,000 new words)
·         11 tween chapter books edited and awaiting release (all pre-written)
·         21 covers designed (not including one outsourced; 4 covers ‘retired’)
·         5 b&w illustrations created
·         1 roleplaying adventure proposal submitted (total of 1,000 new words).
·         2 novellas released (2 edited, total of 4,000 new words)
Is it a lot? I don’t know. Maybe not if I was writing full-time, but holding down a day job and running a family? Who knows. This year will show another set of figures. Maybe I’ll have a better idea in June. Ask me then.
In 7 months: 38, with over half occurring in the last two months (November and December 2012).
Is it worth it?


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