Goals for 2013

Having gone over my publishing schedule, I’ve come up with a more reasonable set of goals for 2013. The base-line for success is as follows:

1 romance novel as Madeleine Torr

Edit, design covers for, and publish 3 novellas for Eleanor Maine and Ellie Moonwater.

I figured that would be a reasonable goal for the year, but then I added in a Wish List so I could push a little harder if I found myself ahead of schedule with spare time on my hands. It comes in two tiers:

The first tier is this:
3 chapter books as Carlie Simonsen.
1 zombie annual

The second tier is closer to my heart—the ultimate carrot, if you like:
1 generic roleplaying supplement
2 x 30-40k adventures

As much as I get done, there is always more I want to get done. This is why I have a three-tiered list.


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