First Pages: Peace Flower

Peace Flower is the sixth short story to be found in An Anthology of Those Who Walk Among Us. It is also available as a stand-alone short story.

Peace Flower is a short fantasy story set in a time of war and change. Shoru is descended from a long line of sorceresses, once valued for their skills. How they are viewed in the future, depends on the battle’s outcome.

Peace Flower is available as part of AnAnthology of Those Who Walk Among Us, and also as a stand alone title at Smashwords, Kobo, Kindle, iTunes, and Nook.

First Pages: Peace Flower

 Shoru fell amidst the fighting. Her basket flew from her hand and disappeared beneath booted feet and metal-shod hooves. The peonies were trampled and the scent of crushed herbs mingled with the smell of blood.
She knew better than to scramble after them and curled against the step that had made her stumble. Someone leapt over her, using her back to reach the doorway. She heard the jingle of spurs as they passed.
Swords clashed above her and another set of boots danced their way through the measured steps of a swordsman’s shuffle. Shoru had no choice but to stay where she was until the fight was over.
“Death to all invaders,” the one upon the step yelled.
“And so say all of us,” his opponent rumbled in reply.
Shoru did not stay to ponder. The boots moved sideways, metal scraped on bone and blood fell in a warm shower.
“You’ve killed me.”
The swordsman’s voice sounded suddenly young. His opponent turned away and met another attack with a savage parry. Shoru heard his answer as she ran for the corner of the building.
“And so must all invaders die.”
Around the corner, in the lee of a barricaded doorway, Shoru regretted the loss of her basket. The herbs would have to be gathered again, the peonies more so.
If you would like to read more, Peace Flower is available as part of AnAnthology of Those Who Walk Among Us, and also as a stand alone title at Smashwords, Kobo, Kindle, iTunes, and Nook.


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