Progress Report: Week 5 March 2013

This was a four-day work week, so I put in more time writing, but not as much as I might have. I also had to make some clothes for the littlest podrat, who is too skinny and tall for store-bought clothes to fit. The things we do. This week also marked my return to walking after the very rough start to doing that this year.
Beyond that, this week was a week I tried to dedicate to producing new words; next week has to be dedicated to publishing, as I am now three releases behind my ‘on average, one release per week’ goal for the year. I will also be trying to maintain a minimum of 1,500 new words produced per day… let’s see how that works out.

Tier 1Tasks

  • DarkFantasyNovel1C—Shadow’s Fall written as C.M. Simpson: Into beta read and editing stage. This project is running 137 days ahead of schedule.

Tier 2 Tasks

  • RomanceNovel14A—Taylor’s Story written as Madeleine Torr: Added 5,000 words. At the beginning of the week, this project was running 62 days behind the original schedule. It is now only 60 days behind that schedule.


ShortStory23—The Soul in the Sword: Added 3,000 words to complete story for single release at 5,000 words.

Publishing tasks

  • 3 blog posts completed for this blog.
  • DarkFantasyNovel1C—Shadow’s Fall in beta stage. Awaiting reader comments for edits.
  • Updated Annual12 with short stories blogged this fortnight, and with final version of ShortStory23—The Soul in the Sword.
  • Updated Anthology7—An Anthology of Blades with ShortStory23—The Soul in the Sword.

Craft tasks

New Arrivals

I don’t know what to say, except that getting more sleep and starting an exercise program seem to be really good for getting the creative juices flowing… if not so good for the level of persistent pain. All bar Letters from Beyondarrived either Friday night after my first walk (3), or Saturday morning after my second walk and a good night’s sleep and sleep in (3).

  • ShortStory57—Lettersfrom Beyond completed for Flash Fiction Challenge
  • NonFiction2A: about treachery
  • LiteratureEssay2: about science fiction.
  • RPGAdventure20A: about a storm, set in RPGSetting3 spawned by the storm scene in RomanceNovel14A—Taylor’s Story.
  • RPGAdventure21A: about a camping trip, set in RPGSetting3 spawned by the storm scene in RomanceNovel14A—Taylor’s Story.
  • YANovel13A: also spawned by the storm scene in RomanceNovel14A—Taylor’s Story.
  • PictureBook13: about a baby going to sleep.


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