Australian Birds: Eurasian Coots on a Polluted Pond

More birds, just a short walk from home. I'm in the middle of trying to find out what this one's called. I think it's some kind of grebe or native waterhen, but I'm not sure. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

UPDATE: These are Eurasian Coots or Fulica antra.

They don't mind swimming in polluted water, have red eyes and a distinctive white marking in the middle of their foreheads.

See? Red eyes!

 They eat some kind of green stuff from under the water - probably plant-life...

But they have to dive for it. I caught *this* shot as the coot launched itself into the water it had been sitting on.

But this is all I usually managed to get when I tried to catch them diving.

I guess there's always next weekend :-)


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